31 research outputs found

    A survey into the prevalence and incidence of school bullying in Wales. Main report

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    This report presents the results from a survey into the prevalence and incidence of school bullying in Wales. The survey aimed to provide baseline evidence of the "incidence and prevalence of bullying" among compulsory school aged pupils in Wales by focusing on pupils’ experiences of bullying by other pupils during their school life, and allow the Assembly Government to "measure future changes to the level of bullying in Wales"

    School Effectiveness Framework pilots: an evaluation (research document)

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    "This report looks at the pilot to introduce the School Effectiveness Framework in schools in Wales. The School Effectiveness Framework (SEF) is an ambitious Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) programme that aims to raise attainment, to close the gap in attainment and improve children and young people’s well-being (WAG, 2008a). It has been developed through three phases and this external evaluation focuses upon the second phase, in which school pilot programmes were established in each of the four regional consortia (Central South Wales, North Wales, South East Wales and swamwac)..." - introduction

    A qualitative research study to explore young people's disengagement from learning

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    "The ‘One Wales’ agreement includes a commitment to establish an “enquiry into disengagement from learning amongst children and young people to look at evidence of what works”. In response, a research project was commissioned to investigate young people’s experience and perspectives on their disengagement from learning. The research fills an evidence gap on personal accounts of disengagement from young people in Wales. As such it therefore represents a useful source of information to support the review of young people who are not in education employment or training (NEET)." - Welsh Assembly Government website